complete list in A-Z format of every album ever reviewed on planetmosh.
browse album by initial or number.
R (continued)
- RIOTGOD-Invisible Empire cd
- RIOT|NOISE – Stand For Something
- Radiant - Radiant
- Radio friendly - Love is alive
- Ragdoll - Here today
- Rage – 21 (cd)
- Rage - Wings of Rage
- Rage of Angels/Dreamworld cd review
- Raging Speedhorn - 'Lost Ritual'
- Raging Speedhorn - Hard To Kill
- Raimund Burke - Get It 2.0
- Rainbow - Long Live Rock'n'Roll (Deluxe edition)
- Rainbow - On Stage (Deluxe edition)
- Rainbows Are Free - 'Waves Ahead Of The Ocean'
- Raised By Owls - Dreadful
- Rammstein - Rammstein.
- Rantanplan - Rudeboys von der Reeperbahn
- Rantanplan - Stay rudel stay rebel
- Rat Face Lewey - The Fall of Man Album Review
- Raunchy - Vices. Virtues. Visions.
- Raven - ExtermiNation
- Raven - Metal City
- Raven - Screaming Murder Death From Above : Live In Aalborg
- Raven Lord - Descent to the Underworld
- RavenEye - Breaking Out
- RavenEye - Nova
- Raventale - Dark Substance Of Dharma
- Ray Wilson- Song for a Friend
- Ray Wilson-Makes Me Think of Home
- Razor - Violent Restitution/Shotgun Justice/Open Hostility
- Re Vamp - Wild Card
- Re-Armed, 'Worldwide Hypnotise', cd review.
- Re-armed - Rottendam
R (continued)
- Reach-Reach Out To Rock
- Reaper - Death Games.
- Reaper - Fairies Return (cd)
- Rebecca Downes-Believe cd
- Rebels By Nature - Blood & Whiskey (CD)
- Recall The Remains-Empty Woods-Single Review-Planetmosh
- Recall The Remains-Fairfield-Single Review-Planetmosh
- Reckless Love - InVader
- Reckless Love - Spirit
- Rectified Spirit – ‘Rectified Spirit’
- Red Dragon Cartel – Red Dragon Cartel (Frontiers Records)
- Red Enemy - Red Enemy
- Red Enemy – What We Are Contained In Is What We Are Worth (E.P)
- Red Fang – ‘Whales And Leeches’
- Red Lamb – ‘Red Lamb’
- Red Peach - Mazunte
- Red Six – ‘Nausea’ EP
- Red Spektor - Heart Of The Renewed Sun
- Red Spektor-3-Album Review-Planetmosh
- Red sun revival – Running from the dawn
- Red sun revival - Running from the dawn
- Reds'Cool - 'Press Hard'
- Reese Wynans and friends - Sweet release
- Reign Of Fury - Death Be Thy Shepherd.
- Reign Of The Architect - Rise
- Reign of Fury - World Detonation Review
- Rejected Youth - Fuck the Contest CD review
- Relinquished, 'Onward Anguishes'
- Renegade priest - The Forest of Pi
- Reo Speedwagon / Live at Moondance jam cd/dvd
- Reptilian Death - 'The Dawn Of Consummation And Emergence'
- Requinox - Through the Eyes of the Dead
- Resin - Persecution Complex
- Resin - The cycle of need
R (continued)
- Resistance – To Judge and Enslave (cd)
- Rest in Fear - Insert Yourself CD review
- Resurrection Kings - 'Resurrection Kings'
- Reuben Archer's Personal Sin - Petrolhead
- Reuben Archer's Personal Sin.
- Revel In Flesh - Manifested Darkness
- Review – Mercy Isle – Storm EP
- Revival Black-Under The Light-Album Review-Planetmosh
- Reviving The Animus, 'Infinitely Unlimited' EP Review
- Revocation – Deathless
- Revocation - Revocation
- Revolution Saints - Rise
- Revolution Saints-Revolution Saints cd
- Rex Shachath – ‘Sepulchral Torment’
- Rhino's Revenge II
- Rhode Island Red-Kerosene EP.
- Rich Robinson - Flux
- Rich Robinson - The Ceaseless Sight.
- Richard Thompson - Electric
- Rick Springfield - 'Rocket Science'
- Rick Springfield – The Snake King
- Rik Emmett & RESolution9 - RES9
- Ring Of Fire - Battle Of Leningrad
- Riot V - 'Unleash The Fire'
- Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow – Live in Birmingham 2016
- Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow - Memories in rock - Live in Germany
- Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow - Memories in rock II
- Rival Sons - Great Western Valkyrie
- Rival Sons - Head Down
- Rival Sons - Hollow Bones
- Rival Sons - Pressure and Time (CD)
- Riverside – ‘Shrine Of The New Generation Slaves’