Album Reviews

The greatest selection of albums, reviewed and rated

Mike Ross-Third Eye Open-Album Review-Planetmosh

With the recent release of studio album Third Eye Open on Taller Records, Brighton based Mike Ross is definitely the boss with these twelve speaker rattling songs and I’ll admit to not expecting it to be this heavy, point proven by album opener ‘I Swear’. Wailing guitar feedback intro is …

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Mick Rossi – Gun St.

Mick Rossi, musician and one of the founding members of Manchester Punk Rock band Slaughter and the Dogs, turned actor, writer and producer's new album Gun St. was released on 23 February via Secret Records.

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Psython-Hatchling-Single Review-Planetmosh

Now this is the way thrash metal should be played as Sheffield based lunatics Psython who formed in 2014 re-hatch with their first single since 2018, ‘Hatchling’ taken from a forthcoming ten track studio album titled “Fun?”. The single is utterly utterly thrashtastic and, erm, is thrashed till death, taking …

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Demonstealer-The Propaganda Machine- Album Review-Planetmosh

Welcome back Demonstealer AKA Sahil Makhija, the quietly spoken creator of Demonic Resurrection but it’s Demonstealer we are talking about as he will release his latest studio album The Propaganda Machine via Black Lion Records on March 31st 2023. Dubbed as technical symphonic death metal, these eight tracks are overwhelming …

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Haken – ‘Fauna’ – Album Review

I have had a rocky relationship with Haken over the years, whilst their shows have been somewhat of mixed quality their albums have remained consistent, but that consistency has sometimes felt like their albums are something of a facsimile of others. Come 2023 and Fauna is upon us.  This is …

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Empyre – Relentless – Album Review

The first time I saw Empyre I must admit they did nothing for me, they didn’t click at, all but at last year’s Firestorm Festival it was like watching a different band so when their new album came up for review I was eager to have a listen. The first …

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HOST-IX-Album Review-Planetmosh

Some collaborations work, some don’t work (sorry Lars!), but HOST make theirs work as they release their album IX via Nuclear Blast Records. It’s a synth -pop side project by Nick Holmes and Greg Mackintosh from Paradise Lost that is “Taking the concept of what we attempted to do on …

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