Pre-purchase links to the EP and other band info are here :- https://thebloodynerve.com/product/all-blood-no-treasure-act-ii/?fbclid I https://www.facebook.com/thebloodynerve I https://thebloodynerve.com/ I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFm1gIsvS1E I
It seems an age since August 2021 when The Bloody Nerve released their Act I Retrogade EP for the forthcoming rock concept album All Blood, No Treasure and they now reach the halfway mark on March 25th 2022 when they release Act II Reckoning EP via Antic Records.
These three songs are real attention grabbers as opener ‘All Blood, No Treasure’ begins with a serrating intro riff that heralds a snare drum driven rocker. Riffs have a touch of 80’s era Rush, all topped off by a broken glass chewed lead vocal.
‘Down To The Corner’ has fiery funky bass guitar lines that combine with crashing guitar chords for a mighty metal stomp as the lyrics are delivered like a sermon.
Closing track ‘Doin All Day’ is a quirky tune of doo wop handclaps and country vibes that ease towards a full on freak out of fuzzed up guitar and those ever present wrist snapping snare drums. This thrilling song ends on fluid guitar solos and an eerie spoken word outro.

EP track listing :-
All Blood, No Treasure.
Down To The Letter.
Doin All Day.
The Bloody Nerve band personnel :-
Laurie Ann Layne – Lead Vocals.
Stacey Blood – Vocals/Guitar.
Bobbie Blood – Bass Guitar.
Richie Russo – Drums.
- $7