.@louelladeville_ @planetmosh interview with #TheReverendPaulConfused #TheDeadBeats August 2014.
The Dead Beats supported Slaughter and the Dogs at Warehouse 23, Wakefield earlier this month. I didn’t get chance to interview the bands on the day but here are some questions I put to The Rev by email afterwards.

Whose idea was it to form the band?
The band was formed by The Reverend Paul Confused and Elvis Palooka. The origins go back to 1998.
How did you choose the name?
It invoked the Cramps, horror, sleaze feel. Together with the Vince Ray logo, it seemed right.
Who writes the lyrics/music?
The Reverend wrote all tunes/lyrics to date, but with this new line-up, all are invited to throw a limb into the cauldron.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
Horror movies, and not the shit they spawn out today where it’s gore over substance. Real horror movies, 50’s sci-fi movies, giallo, shock theatre, films not afraid to push boundaries or poke fun at themselves. Most things before 1980.
Where/when was your first gig?
With this current line-up we opened the Nice n Sleazy Festival this year. Not bad for a comeback gig eh? It wouldn’t be right to mention previous incarnations, they’re best left to rot. Let Sleeping Corpses Lie…hmm, there’s a new song idea….
How has the band evolved since that first show?
Since this “new” first show, we’re finding our feet playing together, learning the old back catalogue, whilst writing new material for a new era of The Dead Beats.
What’s the best gig you have played?
That comeback at Sleazy was great, but a tiny sweaty dive in Elsecar was pretty amazing too.
If you could open for any act, past or present, who would it be and why?
It would have to be The Cramps. Lux was genius, they embodied rock n roll and horror n sleaze.
You’ve got a wealth of experience in the band. Which other bands do members play for?
Phil sings for The Kingcrows. The rest of us now concentrate purely on The Dead Beats, although The Rev does write and record for various projects (Theme tune for Jamie UK Subs drumming show, and an annual Xmas themed track for Klur Confused and The Fuckpigs for example!)

How easy is it to juggle all your commitments?
Very, we’re not divas…well, Phil is..
Who is your favourite Horror character?
A tough one that, it could be anything from Arthur Grimsdyke in Tales from the Crypt(Peter Cushing) to Leatherface. The other guys would no doubt have their own. The Rev and Vincent Lovecraft have been huge horror film fanatics for decades and will gladly bore you to death by knowing everything about every horror film.
What is your favourite Horror film?
Mine..(The Rev) is a toss up between From Beyond The Grave, Near Dark and Dawn of The Dead (Ultimate 156 minute cut)..but again, the guys would have their own. ohh, and The Innocents (1961) with Deborah Kerr!
What’s your on stage drink of choice and why?
Beer. Been there done that with the hard stuff..stick to what I can handle and still pull off a show, haha!
To someone who has never heard of The Dead Beats how would you describe the band?
Melodic, fun, tongue in cheek, horror-punk-n-roll, with a dose of doo wop and a slice of Cheap Trick.

Which other bands would you say you are similar to?
We have obvious influences, but I’d say we stole the best bits of Motorhead, The Ramones, The Misfits, The Bones, The Cramps, Del Shannon and stuck em in a blender.
Which up and coming bands would you recommend fans of The Dead Beats listen to/go and see?
Hung Like Hanratty are always a great laugh and good singalong choruses.Good lads too. Hospital Food for some straight forward punk rock. An Italian band called Il Complesso will blow your fucking socks off. Obnoxious UK are a great horror punk band too.
Is music a career or something you do for pleasure?
It has been a career, but we’re all old bastards now, so we see it as our “afterlife” ;-p
What would you say are the perks of being in a band?
We’ve all played with some fantastic bands over the years, seen parts of the world we might never normally see, and had people have a dance and a drink to us. Can’t get better than that really can we?
What, if any, are the disadvantages?
Scammer promoters who think bands should pay to play, bands with their heads up their arses who fuck each other over, and the seemingly impenetrable cliques that seem to have arrived promoter wise.
What have the band got planned in the near future in terms of gigs/festivals/new material?
We’re playing with our old mates Vice Squad in a couple of weeks, https://www.facebook.com/events/263236450536113/then it’s to the studio for the new album (first with this line up). Gig early next year with Obnoxious UK, then a few dates in the good old EU, where bands for the most part are treated well.
Any final message?
Enjoy life, don’t fuck with anyone else, by all means have your eyes open to things, but don’t forget to sometimes just HAVE FUN!
“Call us ghouls, call us fiends, we don’t need your MTV. Just punk rock n roll, horror films and booze, it’s punk rock party time” – Dawn of The Dead Beats.
Thank you to The Rev from The Dead Beats for taking the time to answer my questions.

The Dead Beats are:
VoX – Phil E Stine
Guitars – Reverend Paul Confused
Bass – Lord Hugh G Rection
Drums – G-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named
Guitar – Vincent Lovecraft
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/deadbeatsrocknroll
PlanetMosh Review including The Dead Beats: http://planetmosh.com/slaughter-and-the-dogs-warehouse-23-wakefield-3rd-august-2014-sound-control-manchester-acoustic-5th-august-2014/