DeadAudioSaints – Interview

Fast rising Brit Alternative crew DEADAUDIOSAINTS have just dropped their killer new EP, To Whom It May Concern…. With the band on the rise, we checked in to find out more:

What is the full band line-up, who sings and who plays which instrument?

  • Danny Jones – Vocals
  • Corey Jones – Bass/ Guitar
  • Damon Head – Drums
  • Luke Johnston – Programming.

How and when did the band form?

Formed by Danny and Corey (Brothers) added Damon into the mix on drums, who introduced Luke to help with production stuff.

When and how did the band really start gelling and solidifying?

We’ve always had a good solid background with us being so close to each other. We’ve hit a few speed humps long the way, but we are still standing.

Who are your musical influences?

Placebo, Nine Inch Nails, Korn, Deftones, Metallica, Thirty Seconds to Mars to name a few.

Where did the name of the band come from?

It was one of those lightening bolt moments that stuck.

Name one crazy, interesting, or wild fact or story about the band or a specific member?

Damon’s Glasgow initiation was interesting. What happens on the road stays on the road!!!

ow far back does your history with each other (the band members) extend?

Danny and Corey are brothers. Damon is a close family friend. Luke attended school with Damon. So it’s always been pretty close knit.

In your opinion, how is your band different from all the other bands out there?

Deadaudiosaints try not to pigeon hole ourselves to a certain sound. We jump across a few genres with our ‘sound’. Pulling influences from a large spectrum.

If a deaf person were to ask you to describe the sound of your music, how would you describe it?

Electronic infused Rock Noise.

Where can we find your social media sites?

X – @DeadAudioSaints

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