.@louelladeville_ @planetmosh review .@noizelevelcriti .@RAPCAUK .@doomsdayoutlaw .@psychobabylon1 .@littlemammothuk .@SpillSixteen .@TeenageCasketCo .@exitstate .@TheGDEs .@SuicideTuesday .@dirtboxdisco .@DeadAudioSaints .@HBHuk .@rockandpoleuk

NLC/RAPCA Festival now in it’s fourth and final year (but see below), although the first and therefore the last time for me, took place at The Maze, Nottingham over the May Day Bank Holiday weekend 2014. Organised by David Tonge (Big D) and his family and friends. Walking towards the venue at street level it wasn’t immediately recognisable as The Maze as a sign for Forest Tavern is the most obvious sign. The Maze is a small venue behind the tavern and there’s actually a big Maze sign over the door, which you can easily see – from across the road. With a bar area in the pub and a bar in the venue it was fairly easy to get served and there was even a special 3.9% NLC ale for sale. (I didn’t try it so comments welcome!) A cake stall (and very delicious they were too) and a tombola/raffle were also taking place in the bar area.

Doomsday Outlaw NLC/RAPCA Festival with twenty-four bands over two days, had a lot of Rock ‘n’ Roll to pack in. Doors opened at 12.30pm with the first band, Doomsday Outlaw starting promptly at 1pm. Doomsday Outlaw didn’t have too far travel as they hail from Derby. Big D introduced the band and welcomed everyone. Getting the festival off to a rocking start Doomsday Outlaw opened the show with Deadman’s Hand with a country vibe and powerful riffs, something like The Black Crowes meet Kyuss. Carl looking very Captain Blackbeard with his full beard and bandana. Devils Tomb with lots of ‘Hey Hey Heys’ saw Steve showing off some fancy finger work on the six strings. Carl then asked ‘Let’s hear you scream?’ and said we were warmed up nicely. Deep Within and Thin Line both had some some good rhythm and plenty of riffs. They’ve got some new stuff coming out soon but Carl’s ‘We’ve been Doomsday Outlaw. Hope you’ve enjoyed it’ led us to the last song Bed of Lies a hard rocking number with flavours of Iron Maiden and Metallica. Big D got up on stage with a ‘What a way to start the festival’ a great opening to two days of metal mayhem it was too!
Set List: Deadman’s Hand / Devils Tomb / Deep Within / Thin Line / Bed of Lies
Band Members: Carl – Vocals / Steve – Guitar / Gavin – Guitar / Indy – Bass / John – Drums
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/DoomsdayOutlaw

Psychobabylon from Leeds/Selby were up next. With Rusty in white coat, round Shades, black boots and black fingerless gloves looking like a ‘Paranoid’ medic i.e. a Psycho cross between Ozzy Osbourne and The Dr (from Dr and the Medics). Rusty’s ‘Good afternoon, you look delicious!’ his opening line then Horror and Ain’t No Different and in terms of great riffs and melodies they weren’t much different. Rusty then said ‘Thank you. Are you having a good afternoon so far? I think you need to visit the bar for more drinks’ and I remembered the next song Trash from when I saw them at The Snooty Fox in Wakefield last year. A catchy tune which had Clouse holding his bass guitar aloft and appearing to elbow chop it!

The next track Next Buried Alive is one from their new album and the riffs and beat reminded me of Remedy by Rose Tattoo. Rusty then said that as they were quite tight on time he wasn’t going to do much talking shit and the next one Embrace the Strange is the title track from the aforementioned new album (which will be reviewed on PlanetMosh shortly so watch this space!) this one reminding me of Velvet Star, a band which Ginna, the drummer, was in and a song which Ginna sang a mean backing vocals on. Pantomime a great rocking song, one with the chorus ‘Behind You, Behind You’ was the penultimate song. Rusty then apologetically said ‘Just realised I’ve been swearing with kiddies in the house. Really sorry!’ before we came to the last one Love & War another one I remembered which had some great riifs and Rusty bouncing around the stage and his final words were ‘Thank you Nottingham. You’ve been awesome’ and thanks to Psychobabylon for a great set.
Set List: Horror / Ain’t So Different / Trash /
Buried Alive / Embrace the Strange / Dark Valentine / Pantomine / Love & War
Band Members: Rusty – Vox / Robbie G – Guitar + Vox / Spike – Lead Guitar / Clouse – Bass / Ginna – Drums + Vox
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Psychobabylon

Little Mammoth didn’t have far to travel as they’re a local band. The third band to take to the stage but singer Holly Bolus was the first female performer of the festival. Looking fab in denim shorts with patterned tights and some amazing green flashes in her black hair. Wow, when she started singing what an amazing powerful voice! Really sexy, a bit throaty, similar to Jen from Ajenda. Opening with Kiss This then straight into Burn it all Down. Then Holly asked ‘Are you guys having a good morning?’ It was afternoon but 3pm is very early in the gigging day so it did still feel like morning. ‘Who Likes Whisky?’ was Holly’s introduction to the next song Whisky Shot. A Janis Joplin type number. Poster Child had a strong bass line, with yet more powerful singing, and a good refrain. Travelling Man a bit of a grungy number with flavours of Pearl Jam and when Holly asked ‘Will you guys clap with me?’ everyone joined in. Hang Them High was a fast rocking song which ended their set on a high note and Big D thanked them and asked us to ‘Give it up one more time for the awesome Little Mammoth’ It’s worth seeing these just to hear Holly’s voice. Amazing!
Set List: Kiss This / Burn it All Down / Like a Man / Whiskey Shot / Poster Child / Travelling Man /
Run Baby Run / Hang Them High
Band Members: Guitar – Mark Davies / Bass – Alex Leggett / Vocals – Holly Bolus / Drums -Sam Renshaw
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LittleMammothUK

Spill Sixteen from Sheffield came next. I immediately recognised the bass player Indy as he’s also in Doomsday Outlaw the opening band. Singer Stevie seems to have endless energy and was bouncing around like Tigger on speed. He reminds me a little of Danny Jones from Deadaudosaints with his rugged good looks and toned physique. Starting their set with Damned with some great riffs and super fast drums which saw Jon really going for it with hair flying everywhere. Reaper started off a bit Black Out in the Red Room by Love/Hate then merged into a Buckcherry type song say Cocaine or Lit Up. Stevie even complimented Little Mammoth’s Holly on her voice ‘Got to say. The woman who was singing before us, what a voice. They were awesome’ which was nice. Kick in the Face started out with a scream, which sounded a bit Yankee but being from Yorkshire Stevie sounded like Danny too!

One Way to Go had the audience taking part. Stevie said ‘We’re singing for you. You sing for us. Every time I point the mic you sing ‘One Way To Go’ a catchy song with a bit of a country beat. Mewsey was playing a mean slide guitar with the metal slide ring on his little finger. It followed that after a sing, you dance, or so said Stevie so the next By You was a dancing number and gave Stevie the chance to show us his sexy dance moves! Then we got a cover of Queen’s Hammer to Fall and just in case we didn’t know Stevie advised us the singer was ‘Freddie. The dude with the tache’ and made a finger tache. A good cover from Spill Sixteen then Stevie said ‘We’ve come to the last one of the evening, daytime, afternoon what time is it? Who cares?’ and Spill Sixteen finished off with Come With Me with an interesting guitar start. Stevie hurdled the amps onto the dance floor to bounce in front of stage before bouncing back onto the stage. A catchy, energetic number to end the set.
Set List: Damned / Reaper / Kick in the Face / One Way to Go /By You / Hammer / Come With Me
Band Members: Mewsy – Guitar / JJ – Guitar / Stevie – Vocals / Jon – Drums / Indy – Bass
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/spillsixteenmusic

Teenage Casket Company are another Nottingham based band with a wealth of experience as Teenage Casket Company brings together musicians who also play with Tigertailz, The Bulletboys and Silverjet to name but a few. Singer Rob (Wylde) made a striking figure with his mane of blonde hair, interesting black and white patched jeans, multicoloured stars tattoos and furry animal print guitar strap. Teenage Casket Company reminded me of American bands such as Fountains of Wayne and Blink 182. Takes a Little Time being reminiscent of Stacy’s Mom and (You Only Love Me) When You Hate Me a bit What’s My Age Again. The latter being from their last album Still Standing. The official video can be seen on YouTube.

Wylde thanked Dave for inviting them to play again saying it was for a good cause before playing Without You which had me thinking of Living Without You by Tigertailz, more the Steevi Jaimz version than Kim Hooker though. Wylde said they’d love to play all night but they’d only got two more songs My Best Friend is My Radio was a catchy number then we came to the last song Don’t Look at Me Like That and introductions to the band. Yet another catchy song and I felt like I’d unknowingly heard a lot of these songs before. Maybe seen on Scuzz? Songs that make you want to tap your feet and dance around. I’ll definitely be looking out for a gig near me soon.
Set List: Still Standing / Takes a Little Time / (You Only Love Me) When You Hate Me / Without You /
Cocaine /My Best Friend is My Radio / Don’t Look at me Like That
Band Members: Rob Wylde – Vocals & Guitars / Rob ‘Laney74’ Lane – Bass / Spike – Drums / Dave Kerr – Lead Guitar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/teenagecasketco

Dirt Box Disco We’d reached the last band before the interval and I was just stood there minding my own business (yeah right!) when I suddenly spotted some big black boots at the bottom of a very fine pair of legs, so let my eyes travel upwards to a very tight pair of orange and black scooby-doo pants, a dirty white Spunk Volcano t-shirt, black fringed leather jacket and black balaclava with safety pins and an orange mohawk and there, of course, was the mighty Spunk setting up. Something strangely attractive about Spunk, Scooby Doo meets the Milk Tray Man! Just imagine him sneaking into your bedroom and leaving some scooby snacks on your pillow! Anyway enough of my sordid fantasies. I then looked to the right and my poor eyes were assaulted by a pair of black and white skin tight pants which left nothing to the imagination and there was Deadbeatz with a blue wig, black fur hat and a blue Bloonz t-shirt. This meant only one thing Dirt Box Disco were in the house! Maff appeared next in a green wig with matching glasses and his shirt open revealing a hairy chest fit for a medallion then at last Weab.I.Am appeared like a giant weeble in a leopard print babygrow cum hooded onesie! Eyes looking particularly devilish.

From somewhere in the Midlands here to entertain us were Dirt Box Disco. Weab announced ‘If you’ve not seen us before, you will enjoy’ I’ve seen them three times and reviewed twice. The chances of me not enjoying a Dirt Box Disco show were remote! ‘Maff bring on the thunder’ was Weab’s introduction to their opening song Other Side of the Street a rousing number to get the Disco started. I couldn’t fail to notice the absence of Danny Fingers but this was perhaps a good thing, as there was barely enough room up there for Spunk and Weab let alone Deadbeatz! Weab was spinning round and wrapping the mic wire round his neck. Spunk appeared to have a broken guitar string but if was he playing on five strings rather than six there was no lack of pure energetic Punk Rock and Roll.

A little out of breath from all the exertion Weab said ‘Hello. Bless you this is our sixth show in seven days’ and I’d only been to one of them! ‘We’re big fucked and fat’ declared Weab ‘The next song is off our first album heralded Burning another Punky song and I found out what had happened to Danny as Weab told us ‘Danny Fingers can’t be here as he fell out of the van on the M1 but will be back later in the year’ the absence of Danny left rhythm man Spunk also on lead and after My Life is Shit he asked if we’d seen his guitar wizard. Don’t know if he’d have seen it himself as his balaclava looked a bit skew-whiff! After some more of their great songs we came to their signature song Let’s Get (Fucking) Wasted which is surely destined to be one of the all time Punk greats like Fucked Up and Wasted by Anti-Nowhere League. It’s a simple song but brilliant in it’s simplicity. The chorus ‘C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, let’s get fucking wasted’ being easy for those new to Dirt Box Disco to pick up and join in with. The song saw Spunk making a few choice rude gestures to Weab whilst managing to sing, gesture to the audience, adjust his balaclave and play guitar too! Spunk told us to enjoy the rest of the evening before the last song I am Rock n Roll. A short set but full of their best pure unadulterated Punk Rock songs. I did enquire as to the well-being of Danny Fingers and it turns out he has a slipped disc but hopes to be recovered and back playing soon.
Set List: Other Side of the Street / Burning / Tragic Roundabout / My Life is Shit /
I Just Wanna Be a Girl / I don’t Wanna Go Out With You / Let’s Get (Fucking) Wasted / I Am Rock N Roll

Band Members:
WEAB.I.AM – !!!! (Vocals)
SPUNK VOLCANO – ??? (Guitar)
MAFF – tea & cake (Drums)
DEADBEATZ – cooler than you (Bass)
(FINGERS – Absent but usually the smurf coloured one on lead guitar)
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/DIRT-BOX-DISCO/129060477115572
Half way through the first day and prior to a 40 minute interval and the RAPCA organisation team got up on stage. DT gave a little speech and he said that he had intended this to be the last NLC/RAPCA Festival but after all the support he’s received the festival will be back next year after all. So far, so good and I was already planning to be back next year too!

Gypsy Pistoleros Whilst it has been documented that I have a particular liking for Pirates, Gypsies weren’t really on my fantasy man radar. I have seen the Gypsy Pistoleros once before when they played at Hard Rock Hell and had a fresh faced young singer Dani. I thought he was good but new frontman Gaz Harris and guitarist Iggie Pistolero look much better together. More like two old Rolling Stones rather than a Steptoe & Son Combo. If you like your men clad in leather, tattooed and to wear twice as much make up as you then look no further! The Gypsy Pistoleros! An aging rock chicks fantasy!

Opening with Too Drunk I wasn’t really taking much notice of the lyrics until I caught the words Too Drunk to Fuck! Dead Kennedy’s cover? Much as I love the song I can hardly tell a word the Dead Kennedy’s are singing so I had to ask afterwards whether or not this was indeed a cover, or was it written from personal experience? Jeff Pistolero, former Iron Maiden drummer, oops make that former Iron Maiden tour monster, claimed it was based on everyone else’s experience but not his! Perhaps a question to probe further if I ever get to interview these guys in the flesh!
After a bit of Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n’ Roll Gaz told us to Go To Hell, not literally it’s the title of one of the songs off their forthcoming album and a great rocking number. Another new one came next in Hear the Thunder with riffage which reminded me of Rock Star by Crystal Pistol, which they covered at Hard Rock Hell although they didn’t play it today. Iggz and Jeff were both sporting hats. Jeff’s a velvet number with plumage a la Hyacinth Bucket with Iggz in an animal

print trilby looking more like her handy man! I loved Kenny’s pink furry guitar strap which matched the pink bass and Iggie’s white furry one to go with his black and white V shaped guitar. Gaz asked us to come closer before Give It To Me which had a Ramones feel to it, perhaps to go with Gaz’s t-shirt. Their latest single Dirty Side of Midnight came next and they were joined on stage by the stunning Hell on High Heelz dancers. Gaz said he wanted to see us shaking it, waving our hands or doing what we do best. This is a fun tune with some great riffs, designed to get you dancing along to the beat. Psycho Bitch was the penultimate song then the Hell on High Heelz girls joined them again for Living La Vida Loca a fabulous, fun song which suits the Gypsy Pistoleros as I reckon their aim is to get the audience having a good time. Shaking it, waving your hands or whatever you do when you’re enjoying yourself. Iggz got down into audience briefly to play a few screaming riffs then Big D joined the packed stage and yelled ‘Let’s hear it for Gypsy Pistoleros and Hell on High Heelz’ and I don’t know who got the loudest whoops but both deserved a loud cheer and round of applause!

Set List:
Too Drunk
Sex Drugs Rock ‘n’ Roll
Go to Hell
Hear the Thunder
Give it to Me
Dirty Side of Midnight
Psycho Bitch
Living La Vida Loca (Ricky Martin Cover)
Band Members:
Iggie Pistolero (founder member) – Lead Guitar/Backing Vocals / Jeff Pistolero – Drums/Backing Vocals / Kenny K Doll – Bass/Backing Vocals / Gaz Harris – vocals
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/GypsyPistoleros/378204642215891?ref=br_tf
Hell on High Heels: I had a quick chat to the Hell on High Heels Ladies. What lovely ladies. Really chatty and friendly. I asked if they were cold and they said it was Ok inside. If I had a toned figure like theirs I think I’d get used to wandering around in a bikini too! I shall take up the pole then the Gypsy Pistoleros might invite me to be in their next video!

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/HellonHighHeelz

Exit State from East Lancashire came next Big D said he’d tried to get these guys before but they’re always busy. They’re fairly local to me so I had already seen them a few times and was looking forward to a good show and it got off to a great rocking start with Pull the Thread. Another band who like their millinery with Phil in a grey beanie and Peat in a black Stetson although he didn’t keep it on for the whole set. Probably flew off when he was manically hitting the skins! Then a new one Guy Zombie and frontman Roy asked everyone to raise their hands and said ‘Alright. Let’s Have some fucking fun tonight. This one goes one to anyone who’s been cheated on. I Know Where You Are’ a song which starts off slow and mellow then boom, it fires up and had the band jumping around to the beat.

Then ‘Nottingham, is there anyone out there? This one goes out to anyone who’s ever had a shit day’ which must be everyone. Is There Anybody Out There with some great riffage and a bit of audience participation with Roy asking the audience ‘Is there anybody out there?’ to which the reply was ‘No’ repeated a few times. Phil, ever the consummate performer was demonstrating some fancy finger work on the bass. Matt, who tends to keep a lower profile was holding his guitar aloft for some riffs. The next song Crystalline, the bands last single was a charity single for ChART UK and Roy politely requested that we make sure we donate for RAPCA plus buy this one for only £1. Phil nearly pushed the amp off the stage with his foot but made a quick recovery and just laughed it off! The last song was one off their third album ‘Lets See It All’ the song Sugar Coat with it’s drum and bass start had the band nodding in sync. Then with a ‘Thank you very much. Good night’ the show was over. A great set from the Exit State guys but alas, since this gig, the band have announced that they are calling it a day. There will be a few farewell gigs so check their Facebook page for more information.
Set List: Pull The Thread / Guy Zombie / I Know Where You Are / Is There Anybody Out There / Crystalline / Sugar Coat

Band Members:
Roy Bright / Guitar & Lead Vocals
Phil Ireland / Bass & Vocals
Peat Hicks / Drums & Vocals
Matt Harris / Guitar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Exitstateband?ref=br_tf
Exit State Call It a Day: http://planetmosh.com/exit-state-call-it-a-day/

Deadaudiosaints the phoenix to arise from the ashes of Velvet Star were next to tread the boards and, having seen former Velvet Star members Ginna and Mewsey play with their new ventures, seeing brothers Danny and Corey Jones next was a bit like a Velvet Star reunion day. The opening song Tear Apart being a former Velvet Star song. With a fast drum beat and good bass line this was a good start. Corey used to play bass and is now the master of the six strings leaving the bass slot open but filling the slot today was the very young looking Tyla. Throughout their set there were shouts for Danny to take his top off. I think some of the shouts came from the men! Whoever was shouting was to be disappointed but Danny met us half way by stripping off his jacket but keeping his shirt on!

Crash ‘n’ Burn a punky number is another Velvet Star song, although they play some Velvet Star songs it’s only from their last EP ‘All Or Nothing’ with nothing from the album ‘In the Face of Vanity’ Danny interestingly was using two microphones. Danny said he wasn’t going to do much talking and shit as he hadn’t got much time. A bit of deja vu as I’d already heard the same comment from a fellow Yorkshireman earlier today. Don’t like You another fast punky song and the next one, or so Danny said, is likely to be their next single or the one after that The Purge. Then a little speech from Danny ‘We have been Deadaudiosaints hope you’ve had a good day. The next track is on iTunes. Thanks to Dave for putting us on. Apologies for not taking the top off I don’t do that any more. Taking Control’ which is their last single and was our last song from Deadaudiosaints. A fast Punk rocking number with a good drum beat and strong bass line, ending with a bit of bullet type drumming which got a few heads banging and Danny coming off stage into the crowd and managing to lose a mic but when you’ve got two it’s not so bad. Danny’s last words ‘Thank you so much guys. Make sure you stick around for Hellbound Hearts’ Now three quarters of the way through day one and all good so far.
Set List: Tear Apart / Crash ‘n’ Burn / Don’t Like You / The Game / Glad You’re Gone / The Purge / Taking Control

Band Members:
Voice/ Synth – Danny Jones
Bass/ Guitar/ Synth – Corey Jones
Drums – Matt Gray
Bass at NLC/RAPCA – Tyla
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/DeadAudioSaints

The Goddamn Electric from Manchester are another band who are local to me, so a band I’ve seen a few times before. Scarecrow got their set off to a rocking start and Al with his impressive dreadlocks playing some echo-ey riffs. Tommy then said ‘Make some noise! Come on’ before the band launched into Morning Injection which reminded me of Poison’s Unskinny Bop with a harder edge and a bit of added funk rock say Buckcherry’s Too Drunk. A catchy song with the chorus including the words ‘I know you want some action. Cheap thrills and satisfaction’

The opening bars to next one Something More reminded me of No More Tears by Ozzy Osbourne and Tommy had everyone clapping along to this one. The next song Snake Bite is the title track from their new album. This was a bit of a boom sandwich song starting off slow and mellow with a strong drum beat and a few well placed riffs then suddenly got harder and faster before mellowing again. A ‘Thank you all very much for listening hope you’re all having a great night’ from Tommy before the last song Loyal to the Sinner with screaming riffs and bullet drumming brought their set to a lively end and a final ‘Thanks for listening. Good night’ A good set from the Manchester lads.
Set List: Scarecrow/Morning Injection/Something More/Revive & Survive/ Snake Bite/ Loyal to the Sinner
Band Members: Tommy Mitten – Vocals / Al Turnbull – Lead Guitar / David Kanes – Drums / Justin Turnbull- Bass
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thegoddamnelectric
Hellbound Hearts Big D introduced the next band Hellbound Hearts, from York, and having seen these once before at The Bakers Vaults in Stockport I was looking forward to this band. Danny could make a good Pirate with part of his hair tied back, checked pants, big hooped earrings, both arms sleeved with tattoos and very good looking. I reckon that the Skull and Crossbones patch on his denim waistcoat indicated the Pirate in him! Their first song Angel and the White Horse set the pace for the rest of the set very hard rocking with a bit of a Punk/Thrash crossover and the band look to have endless energy moving really fast. After the riotous start Danny said ‘Thank you very much. Here’s one off our old EP, which you might have heard. Outside’ I bought the EP when I first sat them so knew this one with it’s fast drumming onslaught it’s another really energetic number.
Danny then announced that they were planning to start their next album with the following song which was inspired by InMe Suffering the Radio which was another very fast, very energetic one, with a drumbeat reminding me a little of Cinderella’s Shake Me and no let up for Hellbound Hearts so far. Danny told us that the album was taking quite a while but they were hoping to get it sorted by the end of summer. The next song was about those bull shitters, where everything has got to be bigger and better (and I’m sure we all know someone like that) Polygraph Man with a good intro and the chorus ‘Get Over Yourself’ I don’t think Andy on drums kept still for a second I tried to get a picture but was thwarted by hair everywhere. Something For had strong riffs and some shotgun type drums. We then came to their final song which they made the last song as it’s going to be the last track on the album Mirrors ending a fast paced, rocking set. ‘Thank you very much. Enjoy tomorrow if you’re coming down’ from Danny and Big D got up to thank Hellbound Hearts.
Set List: Angel and the White Horse / Outside / Suffering the Radio / Polygraph Man / Penny Dreadfuls / We Are All alone /
Something For / Mirrors
Band Members: Danny – Vocals & Guitar / Andy – Drums / Jase – Bass Guitar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/wearehellboundhearts

Suicide Tuesday peforming together for the last time ever were the headline act on day one. Rikki Valentine with his mane of blonde hair, bandana and skull and crossbones t-shirt (Pirates again) asked us to try to raise as much money as possible, but said we were also here to have fun at their last ever gig. Church of Sin a Motley Crue type number got the show on the road and showcased Rikki’s amazing voice which was like a cross between Vince Neil and Taime Downe. I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing these guys before but was immediately impressed, as I love the singing style of Vince and Taime. Gun of a Son was followed by a ‘Let’s see some hands in the air’ ‘cos we all love a little bit of cocaine’. Titled Cocaine this one started with a scream which Rikki’s voice is suited to. Rikki said it’s ‘Getting hot up here’ so perhaps desperate to cool down Desperation followed. Johnny Suicide on bass also had a mass of hair and we’ll still get to see him on bass, as he’s taken up the four string vacancy in New Generation Superstars. Oz Paul on guitar looked striking in black and white striped pants with a matching leather top hat and was the master of interesting guitar faces.

Dirty Little Thing another Motley Crue style song had a few screams. Rikki was stood on a box at the front of the stage and said ‘Thank you very much we haven’t had a reception like that for a while’ and next came the fast Devil’s Snare followed by the slower Down in the Gutter which was a bit Every Rose Has It’s Thorn by Poison. Rikki then introduced us to the band, on bass Johnny Suicide, on drums Luke James (who looked a good deal younger than the others) and on guitar Oz Paul. Then he said there was only ‘One more for you! Our last ever song on the stage together! For us

Last Time Around’ a bit Guns ‘n’ Roses say Paradise City and Suicide Tuesday looked to be enjoying their last time on the stage together but, like all good things, the show had to come to an end ‘We were Suicide Tuesday this is Goodnight’ but not quite as their was lots of applause and shouts for more. Rikki claimed he didn’t know any more songs and Kieran Tonge (Big D’s son) got up on stage with his guitar and said he knew one more song. The Hell on High Heelz ladies got up too and threw out some t-shirts and merchandise that the band still had left. I managed to grab a badge. Keiran’s song turned out to be Bittersweet and Kieran, Hell on High Heels and the band looked to be having a great time, as did everyone in the audience. The song finished but there was still more to come Rikki asked ‘Where’s our Gaz’ and Gaz Harris from Gypsy Pistoleros joined them on stage for the charity single they recorded together for RAPCA, a cover of Twisted Sister’s We’re Not Gonna Take It’ ended both day one and Suicide Tuesday on a high note.
Set List: Church of Sin / Gun of a Son / Cocaine / Desperation / Dirty Little Thing / R.O.O.T / Devil’s Snare / Down in the Gutter /
Last Time Around/Bittersweet/We’re Not Gonna Take It
Band Members: Rikki Valentine – Vocals / Jonny Suicide – Bass / Oz Paul- Guitar / Luke James – Drums
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/suicidetuesday
Day one over and all the bands had been fantastic. The award for highlight act so far has to go to Suicide Tuesday though! Their last gig and they gave it their all finishing on a high. I really enjoyed their set so it’s a shame I’m not going to get to see them again. Off to bed for me to get some rest before day two!