Bludger are set to play the New Blood Stage at this years Bloodstock festival on Sunday the 11th August.
We catch up with the band to find out more about them, the festival, their thoughts and what you lucky Bloodstock go-er’s will see!
Can you give the readers a quick introduction to the band.
OK, we are from Leeds, Mark is the vocalist, Andy is the bass player, Ansley plays guitar and Bradie is on drums. We’ve been knocking about for a few years and had a few hiccups along the way, but things have been going really well recently! We’ve played all over the UK, and had a few dates out in Finland too. We are all about the live show, we love it!
How would you describe your sound.
That’s a really hard question. We pretty much fall under every bracket there. Above everything, we love all kinds of music, so it all filters through I guess. Musically, we’re massively influenced by bands like Vision of Disorder and Dilinger Escape Plan… but then there’s also a bit of Meshuggah and Pantera too. It’s all about the groovy riffs!
Its music that people can into pretty easily we hope. In terms of lyrics and vocals, we think it’s really important to have something to say, we’re all quite politically active, and recently got in quite a bit of shit for it… but that’s another story! We don’t really do genres… we’ll probably say something that offends the genre police, so make your own minds up!
Why did you want to become part of the New Blood Stage line up?
It was a totally off the cuff decision. We played the Selby Metal 2 The Masses, at this really cool venue called The Riverside, wicked atmosphere, a really great independent live music venue, in a town that is really supportive of its metal scene, so we just wanted to play there initially!
All the bands that played all the heats were incredible, check out a band from York called Terra Omnia, they were cool, also Make Me Immortal were mind blowingly good, and Mastiff from Hull.. we are so lucky to come from a place that has so much wicked metal going on, the UK scene is amazing right now! We got through to the final, and to be honest had really no idea we would win, but we did, and here we are! Mental!
What was your initial reaction when you found out you were playing on the New Blood Stage?
Ansley vomited, but that was mainly ’cause the venue was like a furnace. Hottest gig ever! I think we just had a bit of a manly bro-hug, and then all got shit faced!
What can the audience expect from you at the festival.
No idea! We’ll wing it and see what happens… it gets a bit crazy sometimes. Expect onstage violence probably, and some decent circle pits.
What has been the bands biggest achievement so far?
This is pretty high up there, but to be honest everything this year has been totally amazing, we’ve got lots more the tank and some really exciting things going on! We released an Anti-Fascist video earlier this year, so getting through the last few months without getting stabbed has been a pretty big achievement!
Playing out in Finland with our dear friends Bob Malmstrom, who are probably the best band on the planet, was an incredible experience, we’ll be back out there later this year hopefully!
Have you ever been to Bloodstock before? If so when and what did you enjoy most about it.
Nope! Does that make us rubbish at life? Wish we had been before, we are all skint from touring so much… its an expensive business! The line-ups over the last couple of years have been pretty serious though! Have heard amazing things about it from mates though.

What is your opinion of the Bloodstock line-up.
There’s probably something in there for everyone. The great thing about metal is that there is so much of it! It’s great that smaller unknown bands are getting a look in, I think that it what sets it apart from other UK metal festivals. Have seen lot of metallers moaning on forums about bands they have never heard of, but it is so important to give the underground a voice.
The music industry is harder than ever to survive if you’re a band with limited resources, if no one gets to see or hear about new bands, we’ll end up with a load of bands with zimmer frames, like The Rolling Stones, and no one needs that. We’re looking forward to Slayer, Anthrax, Lamb of God, Gojira, our awesome mates Merciless Terror, Exodus… man… there is so much, loads of real legends in there who all of us newer bands owe a lot to!
What are you looking forward to most at Bloodstock.
The moment before we go on stage, looking out and seeing all our mates and new friends! We’ve had so much support from some really awesome people who really get what we are about, so yeah, pretty much slaying it, for them. Also, we’ve heard that Midgard is the place to see some seriously weird shit, so looking forward to getting a bit messy with those crazy bastards.
Can you sum up Bloodstock in one sentence!
Metal Family.
Any message you wish to pass on to the PM readers
Yeah, OK. Guys, we are going to go seriously fucking crazy up on that stage, we will make it one that you will always remember, get the fuck in the pit…. lets DO THIS!!!
Thank you for taking the time out to complete this interview, we are looking forward to seeing you at Bloodstock \m/ \m/
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