The Brudenell Social Club, Leeds 19/07/2024
Tonight, the wonderful March Violets with support from Naut kick off the “Crocodile Promises” tour and celebrate the launch of their new album of the same name. And where better than the sacred hallows of Leeds’ Brudenell Social Club!
Originally the bill was to have featured Salvation as the main support, but they had to pull out, which has left Bristol’s Naut to open proceedings for us. Billing themselves as “Drum Machine Rock” they start off with some “Dissent” a punchy little number that is surprisingly heavier than I expected. Frontman Gavin is all rock star poses, swirling hair, black sequinned jacket, and lightly baritone vocals, giving a nice old-school gothic feel to their modern sound. Ably assisted by Kerry King – oh I am wrong – it’s Jack on guitars (But I’ll call him Kerry Kong for this show) – and Andi on bass, Naut set a lively tone to the start of proceedings.
Keeping up the energy the lads crack on with their set, the music of which firmly straddles the line between gothic and industrial rock. I have to say I’m impressed already, and the next two songs have me bopping about like a gibbon with a flea up his arse (definitely NOT funky though!). The fourth song “Unity of Opposites” is a proper homage to the old-school likes of early Sisters of Mercy, Grooving in Green, Joy Division etc, and my favourite so far. It’s nice to see a support band looking like they are having fun, which Naut do, and they are getting a very appreciative reception from the Brudenell crowd.
So far all the tracks played have been from their album “Hunt“, and they continue to showcase their fine musical worth with “Nightfall“. Again you can feel the influences of classic post-punk and gothic bands in this one, especially with the rousing chorus. Rounding things off with what I think is a new song, called “Disintegration“, Naut has proved to be a splendid opener, and for me a band that I will certainly be paying a lot more attention to going forward from here!
Set List: Dissent, All The Days, 8 in 3, Unity of Opposites, Nightfall, Disintegration
More photos here –

The March Violets
Having reviewed their new album “Crocodile Promises” a couple of weeks ago, I’m very excited to see The March Violets again. (Review can be read here ).
It’s just over 12 months since I saw them raise the roof at The Old Woolen in Farsley with a selection of classic songs, now we will have new material to hear! But not before we are all welcomed by the delightful Rosie Garland, who tells us we are all fabulous before kicking off with punky old-timer “Crow Baby“. The round of hearty cheering and applause tells us this has been a most acceptable opener, and Rosie with several fact-laden quips, lets us know what the next song is going to be?

Keeping it very old-school for the next two songs “Radiant Boys”, and the one about all March Violets fans – “Made Glorious“, Ms Garland has the Brudenell faithful in the palm of her hand already. Resplendent in her neo-Edwardian/steampunk garb, Rosie portrays all the different emotions of the songs through her gestures, body language and facial expressions. One minute she’s vulnerable – the next she is bordering on dominatrix! It all adds so much, making each song its mini-show in its own right.
Next up is the first of the new material. “Which none of you have heard yet, as we’ve only released it this morning,” says Rosie. Tom Ashton (guitars) then points at me and says “Steve has!!” Fame at last!!! “Well I’m probably wrong as you all went and bought it first thing didn’t you!” jokes Rosie. So without further ado, the lead track off said new album “Hammer The Last Nail” is in our ears. I’m singing along heartily to the chorus on this one, and thoroughly enjoying myself. Back to the classics next and we all willingly “Walk Into The Sun” with equal vocals from both Rosie and Mat (Bass). The big soaring chorus on this one is always a crowd favourite, and tonight is no exception. Though The March Violets have been going since 1981, they are certainly not running out of “Steam”. As with many other Violet songs, this one is very bass-driven, and the new boy Mat is grooving this one out with great aplomb.
Next up is the first of two March Violet songs that gave their name to other Gothic bands. Rosie asks the lighting man ‘to give us a slight clue’, and the change in colour bathing the stage tells us it is time to go “Grooving in Green” – one of my all-time favourites by this lovely lot. (the band of that name are well worth checking out too!).

“This next song is about anger!” Rosie tells us – the reference tells us that it is “1 2 I Love You” up next. I don’t recall having heard this one played live before, so I am mightily chuffed it’s on tonight’s set! New stuff again next, and one which has our vocal enchantress telling us she won’t sell our souls – the refrain of the almost titular track “Crocodile Teeth“. Again this one goes down to massive appreciation from the very lively crowd! Do you know what I said about song titles and band names? Well, we now have Tom cranking out the jangly intro to the classic “Children on Stun” – pure post-punk brilliance in excelsis!
We are now into the last three songs of the main set, and again another oldie that I cannot recall having heard live before! “Strangehead” in the raw for the first time! And I do know for certain, that other than on the advance of the new album I have not heard the following two newbies live. Despite the long gap between new material and the old in terms of release, both these songs, “Heading for The Fire” and “This Way Out” very much hold their respective heads as equals with the more familiar songs. That brings us to the end of the set, and Rosie tells us we will see her, Tom, and Mat again very soon.
Of course, we all wanted an encore, and thanks to the stage manager moving the monitors further back on the stage lots of us (me included) started drumming our hands upon the stage whilst everyone started cheering and whistling for more! And within a few short moments, The March Violets take to the stage again and punk things up with some “Fodder“.” I think we know what you all want next!” states Rosie, as someone shouts out Bon Bon Babies “I don’t think I remember how to play that one!” quips Tom! So we do get as our final song – and it could only be the most well-known Violets song “Snake Dance” to round the set-off. On the original, it was a dual vocal by both Rosie and Simon Denbigh, and with the latter now no longer active with the band, Mat Thorpe did him proud tonight! Of course, EVERYONE is dancing to this one, and we all – the band included – have smiles plastered all over our faces.
I’ve got to say, this has probably been the best March Violets gig I have been to – not that any have been bad – but there was a real show of renewed energy tonight. The new material is superb and every bit as strong as the classics, and I’m pretty sure one or two will become classics in their own right too. The band are genuinely appreciative of the crowd, letting us know it has been 13 years since they last played the Brudenell, and it was appropriate and wonderful to play the opening night of the tour here! Everyone is going home, or to the next date on the tour with smiles on their faces!
Utterly brilliant!
Setlist: Crow Baby, Radiant Boys, Made Glorious, Hammer The Last Nail, Walk Into The Sun, Steam, Grooving In Green, 1-2 I Love You, Crocodile Teeth, Children On Stun, Strangehead, Heading For The Fire, This Way Out
Encore: Fodder, Snake Dance
UK Tour dates:
24th July, Face Bar, Reading
26th July, Thekla Bristol
27th July, Rescue Rooms, Nottingham
2nd August, Blackpool Rebellion Fest
3rd August, Classic Grand, Glasgow
More photos here