King Buffalo are another band to my list of “How have I not heard of these before until now?” Formed in Rochester, New York in 2013 they kick out the jams that take no prisoners, point proven by their latest studio album Regenerator. It’s self released in North America and through Stickman Records in Europe. They come across as a psychedelic power trio in the classic format of bass, drums and guitar with a big slice of stoner rock thrown in to.
These seven songs begin with the album title track as ‘Regenerator’ has a deceivingly soothing intro of jarring chords kept in place by snarling snare work and bubbling bass. A soaring lead vocal adds to the sheer beauty of these nine shimmering minutes, especially when a lengthy, dreamy guitar piece shares the love.
‘Mercury’ is a short but sweet jazzy grooved toetapper courtesy of those snappy snare drums once more. Vocals are almost spoken word as a bass heavy midsection is blown away by a full on stoner outro.
‘Hours’ has a tectonic plate shifting groove as the main riff grabs the song by the throat and doesn’t let go until it’s finished as this gruelling grind is still a very worthwhile listen, ending to a juddering close.
Strangely I was getting a Simon And Garfunkel vibe from ‘Interlude’ due to the vocals over a chiming guitar line that builds to a crescendo midway but ends on a silent slumber.
‘Mammoth’ lives up to its title as this lengthy lumbering beast of a song throbs hypnotically on belligerent bass guitar reminding me of ‘Waterfront’ by Simple Minds until it turns itself around for a stunning stoner rock earthshaker and a totally outrageous fretboard burning solo outro.
The guitar lines in ‘Avalon’ ebb and flow like early surf music by the legendary Dick Dale as it rides a wave of melodic meanderings until all hell breaks loose for seismic chords to end this magnum opus on.
A nine minute tour de force of epic proportions sees album closer ‘Firmament’ give a false sense of security from gentle guitar lines and an equally sedate vocal. It picks up momentum slowly but surely towards speaker rattling grooves that are not of this planet, finishing on a crushing outro.
Information about King Buffalo is here :- http://kingbuffalo.com I https://www.facebook.com/kingbuffaloband I https://twitter.com/kingbuffaloband https://www.instagram.com/kingbuffaloband/?fbclid I https://kingbuffalo.bandcamp.com/album/regenerator Ihttps://www.instagram.com/kingbuffaloband/?fbclid=I
Regenerator album track listing :-
King Buffalo band personnel :-
Sean McVay – Guitar/Vocals/Synth.
Dan Reynolds – Bass Guitar/Synth.
Scott Donaldson – Drums.

- £10.00