Joanne Shaw Taylor-Hold Of My Heart-Single Review-Planetmosh

Joanne Shaw Taylor

Reviewed by:
On 26 August 2024
Last modified:26 August 2024


Joanne Shaw Taylor holds her heart as well as wearing it on her sleeve throughout new single 'Hold Of My Heart',available now on all streaming platforms.

Blues songstress Joanne Shaw Taylor is not one for resting on her laurels from her last, widely acclaimed studio album, Heavy Soul as she has just released a very powerful single called Hold Of My Heart, taken from a forthcoming, as yet untitled studio album in 2025.

It’s available now on all major platforms via Joe Bonamassa’s Journeyman Records featuring Sav Madigan on violin, and produced by Kevin Shirley, as Joanne proclaims,“This song is about telling a good friend that you actually like them more as a friend, and realizing if only for your own sake and the sake of honesty in a friendship to actually tell them.”

After only one listen I was hooked by these four fleeting minutes that enchants at all levels as Joanne croons with an edge to give it some balls, picking up pace when an acoustic guitar piece gives way for a relentless electric guitar solo, all wrapped up in earworm violin swathes from Sav Madigan.

Links to the single and other info are here :- :-

Joanne Shaw Taylor holds her heart as well as wearing it on her sleeve throughout new single 'Hold Of My Heart',available now on all streaming platforms.

About Dennis Jarman

Full time downtrodden album/gig reviewer and part time rock God!

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