All hail the return of Lex! Not Supermans arch rival Lex Luthor but Lex Giggs (more of a superhero than a villain) vocalist with London based band Future Primitives, a trio with Katie Green on bass guitar and drum machinations and Rob Alexander on guitar and production.
Lockdown brought them together and they have just released their rather splendid debut single ‘Cause And Effect’. Guitar chops and solos make it jazzy, indie and rock all in a fretboard burning four minutes. Bass guitar throbs add extra muscle, all topped off by a haunting vocal that brought to mind Marc Almond and Siouxsie Sioux and the icing on the cake comes from an in your face production. Check out the video below!
Purchase links to Cause And Effect and other band info are here :- https://futureprimitivesuk.bandcamp.com/?fbclid= I https://open.spotify.com/artist/4hVUYrVF2RTyUXkBxHh1V1? I https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzbYzz1nXU29mJ6bm0soCnQ I https://www.facebook.com/futureprimitivesband