I have to start this review with an apology to the guys in Divine Chaos. I’ve caught them twice in Glasgow over the past few years and loved them to bits from the off. Anytime I chatted with them the conversation always came round to the release of the album and getting a hold of it to review for Planetmosh. Over the past week I’ve had nothing but that album in my ears and it is as awesome as their live performances have promised.
A New Dawn in the Age of War is the, quite frankly, stupidly stunning debut from Divine Chaos and it is a non-stop force majeur of metal.
Where do I begin with this review? They are majestically brutal melodic thrash. At times there’s speed, at times there’s brutality, they’re like a heavier Savage Messiah. They have nods to the likes of Onslaught, Testament and Overkill, even at times reminding me of Sepultura or Slayer in their approach.
Opening track Last Confession grabs you immediately by the balls with the ferocity of a wildly untamed animal. Hugely intense, packing one helluva wallop, it kicks the album off in impressive fashion and sets the benchmark for expectations very high indeed.
Thankfully Divine Chaos don’t ever let me down in that respect throughout. There’s quality musicianship in every single track from start to finish. Be it the Onslaught like Myth of Human Progress, to the pounding thrash of Shadow of God or the stupendous Ignorance Everlasting that wouldn’t sound out of place on ANY Testament album. Divine Chaos seem to be taking a nod towards some of the biggest names in thrash.
Now, don’t for one second think these guys are ripping off the old guard and calling it their own from what I’m saying above. These are merely the closest examples I can give to the tracks Divine Chaos have on this album. There’s a well honed anger and aggression running throughout each and every track that is breathtaking.
Benny F is Sy Keeler with the aggression dial turned up to 11, James’ drums are on the money as they accent and compliment every riff and melody while still managing to exude their own technical brilliance. The guitar work dances along a wonderful line of old school and modern metal showmanship. It’s a bloody great metal album from a band that deserves to be thrust front and centre in this genre of metal because if this is their debut, then holy crap, what lies ahead!
As I said at the start, Divine Chaos are majestically brutal, melodic thrash. Their debut album is metal played the way it should be. When’s album number two out lads? I can’t wait already!
A New Dawn in the Age of War is available now through Evil Eye Records
Track Listing:
1. Last Confession
2. Death Toll Rising
3. The Myth of Human Progress
4. Shadow of God
5. Ignorance Everlasting
6. Rivers of Blood
7. Fields of the Fallen
8. Sinain Sands
9. Perpetual War Policy
Benny F – Vocals
Chris O’Toole – Lead Guitar
Gilmour – Guitar
Dave Bennett – Bass/vox
James – Drums

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