Brazilian metalcore band APRIL 21st take on depression with new “Healing My Wounds” music video & single |
Brazilian metalcore band April 21st have revealed a new music video and single for the song “Healing My Wounds“. The video was directed by Lucas Akira and Romulo Machado. “Healing My Wounds” is the first single from the band’s new EP entitled Courage Is Born from Fear which is scheduled for a worldwide release on September 10, 2021, via Eclipse Records.
New EP album Courage Is Born from Fear produced by Bruno Barros (Skank, Toninho Horta, Lagun) scheduled for release on September 10, 2021. Pre-save / Pre-Order at this location Watch the new music video ‘Healing My Wounds’ via YouTube, stream the single on Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, Deezer, and Amazon Music |
“This song tells a story in first person, the moment when someone is unable to visualize the solution for their problems and they go into deep depression” says guitarist Herbert. “The chorus is an inner voice screaming that it is necessary to be strong to continue, and that nobody can help you except for yourself. In the video, we are representing this ongoing fight between someone’s mind and their demons, as an actual fight in a boxing ring. The message is simple though; we have to keep fighting and believe in ourselves no matter how difficult a situation seems to be.”
The band’s new EP album Courage Is Born from Fear contains five tracks that are both intense and honest. The album was produced by Bruno Barros (Skank, Toninho Horta, Lagun) at the renowned Sonasterio studios in the beautiful mountains of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and the cover art was designed by Lucas Akira. The first single “Healing my Wounds” contains a harmony element that redefines what a verse riff might be, while the second single “Decision“, spotlights the fastest and tightest bass drum hummingbird 16ths in a blast beat that we ever might have the pleasure of hearing (and feeling right down to the marrow). “Struggling to Break This Cycle” explodes through our headphones with enough drive and funk to satisfy the most serious of metal freaks, and “Stand up and Scream” features a platform guitar solo that is the epitome of melody and speed in a glorious hybrid.
For more information on April 21st, please follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Eclipse Records.

April 21st is a Brazilian metalcore band with a focus on melody, speed, and gargantuan heaviness. Based in Belo
Horizonte, MG – Brazil, the band was created by guitarist, Herbert, in late 2016 after he attended The Institute of
Contemporary Music and Performance (ICMP) in London – UK. Later in 2017, Nick Lucas (vocals) joined the band
and with the support of other local musicians, Alexandre “Vermelho” (drums), Fred Augusto (bass guitar), and
Giacomo Ferreira (melodic vocals), the band recorded their first EP.
In November 2017, the band released its first single called “In Your Destiny,” along with a music video on
YouTube and August Nery (drums) joined the project. In January 2018, the second single called “In Whose
Name?” was released with an accompanying music video. The first EP named Remains was released soon after in
several digital platforms around the world, including the tracks: “In Your Destiny,” “Just Wanna Go Home,” “In
Whose Name?” “Bloody Conflict,” and “A Life in Between.” In August of 2018, Nick Lucas left the band.
In April of 2019, the band released their third music video for the song, “Just Wanna Go Home.” In May of 2019,
two new band members were added to the mix: Lucas Akira (vocals) and Helbert Collyn (bass guitar).
April 21st current lineup
Lukas Akira (vocals), Herbert (guitar), August Nery (drums), Helbert Collyn (bass)

Working now as a quartet, they recorded a new single called “Resilience.” The song was produced at Sonastério Studio in Nova Lima, MG – Brazil by Arthur Damásio (recording/post-production/mixing) and Bruno Barros (recording and
production), while the mastering was completed by Tony Lindgren at Fascination Street Studios in Sweden. The
new single also featured special guest Drey Henrique on vocals. In July 2020, the band released the single,
“Coldest July,” featuring special guest, Leo Turbo on vocals.
In November 2020, April 21st released the single, “We Are the Difference,” the third record created by the current band line-up. The aforementioned song was also recorded in Sonastério Studio in Brazil, and the mastering was completed at Fascination Street Studios. The band’s exciting new album is titled Courage is Born From Fear and it will be released on September 10, 2021 via Eclipse Records.
The first thing one might notice when listening to April 21st on the new record is the musicianship and the
intricate arrangement of the rhythm patterning. Of course, speed and heaviness are what initially strikes the
listener with a rich, potent urgency, but it is the melodic interplay that hooks us. Plainly, Herbert’s guitar work is
as diverse as it is mesmerizing, ornate as it is inspiring, and it threads seamlessly through labyrinthian song
structures that take us on journeys. August Nery’s rapid-fire percussion is stunning and Helbert Collyn’s bass work somehow compliments the sophisticated rhythm design and simultaneously stands on its own as a daring
aesthetic. Moreover, Lucas Akira’s vocals transcend the badass growl technique he employs. His voice is emotion personified, and one cannot listen to even one track without feeling connected.
The singles from Courage is Born From Fear are bold. “Struggling to Break This Cycle” explodes through our
headphones with enough drive and funk to satisfy the most serious of metal freaks, and “Stand up and Scream”
features a platform guitar solo that is the epitome of melody and speed in a glorious hybrid. “Healing my
Wounds” contains a harmony element that redefines what a verse riff might be, and Herbert’s favorite,
“Decision,” spotlights the fastest and tightest bass drum hummingbird 16ths in a blast beat, that we ever might
have the pleasure of hearing (and feeling right down to the marrow).
Still, the thrills don’t stop there. Every April 21st song is part of a larger mural, showing us the landscape of our
lives. The band does not just write and play songs, but more, they craft concepts. One might notice a
metamorphosis as the music evolves track to track, often themed similarly with emblematic depictions of
depression or the power of lies, but it is the structure of the vocal itself that brings the listener to profound
satisfaction. The prior mentioned singles are delivered in first person as if their narrator is glued to the voice in
his own mind. When we get to “Decision,” the storyteller has changed, living outside himself and narrating his life
in the third person. The message is beautiful and tragic, as it is delivered by one who has triumphantly taken on his
demons, but only when divorced from his own soul by safe distance.