Hell Raising Canadian Hard Rockers’ Explosive Debut ‘Wild At Heart’ Album
Unleashed February 17th on Steamhammer / SPV

“We are The Wild! & we are fucking crazy”
Visceral Canadian rockers The Wild! have confirmed the release of their storming debut album ‘Wild At Heart’, produced by Mike Fraser (AC/DC, Aerosmith, Jimmy Page, Metallica, Van Halen), as a digipak CD, download and stream on Steamhammer / SPV on February 17th 2017.
The Wild!, a vital, organic four piece who hail from Kelowna, British Columbia, take the gritty authenticity of the Delta Blues, speed it up with a reckless punk rock attitude, and then roll all that up into a southern rock cigarette.
Vocalist/lead guitarist Dylan Villain embodies all of the reckless abandon and good-natured devilish charm that could only be born in a very small backwoods community. Counterbalancing Villain’s snakebite rasp is bassist/vocalist Boozus; beer drinkin’, beard havin’, fly-fishin’ are his favourite past times. Kickin’ ass & keeping time is drummer Reese Lightning – a beast with beats & everyone’s favourite asshole. You’ll love him! Rounding out The Wild!’s lineup is ‘The Kid’ on rhythm guitar and backing vocals; young blood and zero fucks given – what he lacks in age, he makes up in attitude and swagger.
“Even underneath the loud guitars you can hear the love for the blues in our songs,” declares Villian. “We believe in music with conviction. The Wild! is a mixture of what the blues feels like, rock’n’roll sounds like, and punk-rock smells like. I feel like for every thousand bands that are out there right now you’ll get maybe ten that believe the things they’re singing about, which is the most important thing to me in any genre. I don’t give a shit what kind of music you play. If you care about it then really give yourself to that moment. Our fans aren’t stupid and I feel that they’re hungry for things that aren’t so disposable.”
The Wild! were nominated ‘Best New Rock Band’ at the 2015 Canadian Radio Music Awards, after their debut EP ‘GxDxWxB’, (which stands for ‘God Damn Wild Boys’), crashed into the top five of the Rock Chart, leading to major Canadian tours with Airborne, Buckcherry, Godsmack, Korn, Monster Truck, Rise Against and Sebastian Bach.
Now, the band’s all-killer-no-filler debut album’Wild At Heart’ is all set to catapult The Wild! into hard rock’s heady stratosphere worldwide. “We’ve generated a lot of interest in rock’n’roll here in Canada,” reflects Dylan Villain. “And now we’re looking forward to sharing our sound with the rest of the world. We really hit the nail on the head with what we wanted to do with this band. I feel that there’s a lot of bands out there that try to do this or that, but we don’t try to do anything. We just do.”
For a first taste of this irresistible rock concoction, check out the explosive Stuey-Kubrick-produced video for ‘Ready To Roll’, the first single to be taken from the album, at