Now this takes some balls, as Felix Rabin, a rising star in the Swiss rock scene and acclaimed guitar prodigy puts his stamp on ‘Dancing In The Dark’, the Bruce Springsteen classic, to celebrate its 40th anniversary, but Felix comes out with head, and guitar held high with an astonishing performance as riffs, big fat juicy riffs jostle for position with the more intricate guitar lines that chime with sheer beauty for a smile inducing four minutes. His vocals capture the songs urgency when it kicks into full on rock mode for a fretboard fury outro.
Felix proclaims, “About three to four years ago, a close friend introduced me to his music. Despite knowing his name and some of his popular songs, I had only scratched the surface of his career. Since then I’ve immersed myself in his albums and had the privilege of seeing him perform live”.
Felix Rabin info is here :- http://felixrabin.com