Born to Destruct – Book of Destruction Rock n Roll EP

Book of Destruction Rock n Roll

Reviewed by:
On 12 May 2020
Last modified:13 May 2020


I, for one, can't wait to get my dancing boots on and get my wiggle back on at a gig. For now I'll get those dancing boots on crank up Book of Destruction Rock n Roll and wiggle round my house - even if I am only Dancing With Myself! 

Born to Destruct - Book of Destruction Rock n Roll

Born to Destruct a four piece Punk band from Cambridge have just released an eight track EP Book of Destruction Rock n Roll alongside album Destructageddon which follow 2018 release God of Destruction. Read a detailed bio here. If you look back at the previous album titles over the years you will find they manage to cleverly work the word destruction into many of the album titles.

With the line up remaining stable for the last 3 years do these Gods of Destruction need the book throwing at them or will this be a worthy winner for the book-er prize? It certainly has a few high scoring scrabble words as song titles! We get off to a flying start with the Motörhead fast Eufuckinphoric then things are slowed down with Devasteight which has a Duane Eddy vibe – think Peter Gunn!

Smash It speeds things up again with some smashing, bullet fast drumming from The Priest and some melodic barbershop quartet backing vocals! Erm ….. make that Punk rock whoa oa oa oas – if barbers did Mohawks!

One Minute cleverly mashes up some of the music and lyrics from songs including David Bowie’s (John I’m Only Dancing) and Billy Idol’s (Dancing With Myself) with a few Jumpin’ Jack Flashes thrown in for extra flavour!

Tombstones with its marching beat has a Buzzcocks meets Dirt Box Disco vibe and Woodstock is T-Rex hear him roar!! We stay with Buzzcocks for Lets Get Rowdy but this time we mix in a bit of Sandie Shaw! Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve?) well if you have there’s Always Something There To Remind (You) Me!

Penultimate song The Return starts with a bass line reminiscent of The Jam’s Eton Rifles adds a Scooby Doo! Yes it really does! It speeds up, then slows down. Plenty of ups and downs in this song it’s like a Destruction roller coaster ride, with lyrics which are very poignant in lock-down “Is it nice to be important or important to be nice?” and the chorus “Come on, come on it’s time to get your wiggle back on” 

Then like all good things the EP comes to an end with a bit of Destruction Roll and Roll finishing the EP on a high with a fast rhythm and some siren riffage ending with a drum roll and the words “We’ve been Born to Destruct and you have been fucking roarsome” or you think it ends there, but if you listen carefully right to the very end the last words are actually “Some things never change!” In this case Born to Destruct remain consistent. Consistently good at what they do!

I, for one, can’t wait to get my dancing boots on and get my wiggle back on at a gig. For now I’ll get those dancing boots on, crank up Book of Destruction Rock n Roll and wiggle round my house – even if I am only Dancing With Myself!

Track List:

Born to Destruct - Book of Destruction Rock n Roll

Born to Destruct - Book of Destruction Rock n Roll









Band Members: 
Woodstock – Guitar/Roars
Daiv Tap – Guitar/Growls
Dr Stuart Dirt – Bass
The Priest – Drums

I, for one, can't wait to get my dancing boots on and get my wiggle back on at a gig. For now I'll get those dancing boots on crank up Book of Destruction Rock n Roll and wiggle round my house - even if I am only Dancing With Myself! 

About Louise Swift

I first went to a gig in 1981, Gillan at Leeds University. I've been a regular gig goer ever since. I haven't kept count of how many gigs I've been to over the intervening years, but it's a lot! My favourite bands are AC/DC then, in no particular order, Anti-Nowhere League, Slaughter and the Dogs, Towers of London and Dirt Box Disco. I tend to like Glam/Punk and rude offensive lyrics, not sure what that says about me but as Animal would say 'So What!' The question was recently put to me - did I write for any online publications? My reply - No, but I'd like to! Planetmosh was suggested and I found myself offering to review Aces High Festival. Easy peasy I thought! Well not quite, if a jobs worth doing it's worth doing well! I had sixteen bands to research. I found I actually enjoyed that and it kept me too busy to be making lunatic comments on Facebook! ;) Then I felt a bit inadequately qualified. I mean, who am I to comment on others, when my musical expertise extends to being able to play a mean Greensleeves on the recorder and a passable Annie's song on the flute! Haven't picked up either instrument for years! What I do have, however, is over 30 years of experience as a gig goer, so I can comment on what I like and what I don't! It's only my opinion and, if I don't like a band it doesn't mean they are bad, just not to my own liking. I admire anyone who has the guts to get up on that stage and have a go!