Aleah is a heartfelt and fitting tribute to a beautiful soul
I was genuinely struggling as to how to approach reviewing this album, I’m a great believer in that music should stir the emotions, and this album certainly does that. To lose such a shining talent at the ridiculously young age of 39 was a dagger to the heart back in 2016, I never met or interviewed Aleah but I’d long been a fan of her unique vocal artistry, most famously I guess with Trees Of Eternity. And so it is an even greater testament to her talent that her passing was mourned so deeply, far and wide
The album is a collection of songs rather than a Best Of/ Greatest Hits package as such, indeed the majority are acoustic versions that have been taken back to their purest form, which offers a unique insight into how song construction and development works. I guess opening track ’Vapour’ could be seen and described as one of Aleah’s most well known songs, therefore to hear it delivered in this stripped back and bare acoustic form, side by side with its more complete polished version is a real treat, the vocal delivery is itself almost vapour like, as it drifts and floats around you, pure emotion. ’Breathe’ has always been my favourite Aleah track, it just gets me every time I hear it, such a hauntingly beautiful composition that exudes love from every pore. ’Water And Wine’, again a triumph in song writing, transporting you to a different place and time. ’Touch My Face’ is in a league of its own here, totally uplifting in many ways and moving in every aspect
Looking at the album as just that, it is an amazing body of work and wonderfully put together. Add to that the reality of why it exists, and you can not help but be moved to tears. Aleah’s life partner Juha Raivio (Swallow The Sun / Trees Of Eternity) had, what must have been, an incredibly difficult and yet empowering time putting this record together, and what an amazing job he has done
A voice that will live on for eternity
Recommended Track – Vapour
Track Listing;
Vapour – Acoustic Version
Sacrifice – Acoustic Version
Open Sky – Acoustic Version
My Will – Acoustic Version
Breathe – Acoustic Version
Closing Under Pressure – Acoustic Version
Water And Wine – Acoustic Version
Terrestrial Torrents – Acoustic Version
Touch My Face – Acoustic Version
My Will
Sacrifice (Feat. Anilah)
Inverted Enlightenment
The Tower
The album is released via Svart Records on July the 1st

- £15.60